
上海交通大学副教授,博士生导师,IEEE Senior Member

Title: Towards Behavior-irrelevant on-touch User Authentication on Smartphones Leveraging Vibrations


With increasing private and sensitive data stored in mobile devices, secure and effective mobile-based user authentication schemes are desired. As the most natural way to contact with mobile devices, finger touches have shown potentials for user authentication. Most existing approaches utilize finger touches as behavioral biometrics for identifying individuals, which are vulnerable to spoofer attacks. To resist attacks for on-touch user authentication on mobile devices, we exploit physical characters of touching fingers by investigating active vibration signal transmission through fingers, and find that physical characters of touching fingers present unique patterns on active vibration signals for different individuals. Based on the observation, we propose a behavior-irrelevant on-touch user authentication system, TouchPass, which leverages active vibration signals on smartphones to extract only physical characters of touching fingers for user identification. TouchPass first extracts features that mix physical characters of touching fingers and behavior biometrics of touching behaviors from vibration signals generated and received by smartphones. Then, we design a Siamese network-based architecture with a specific training sample selection strategy to reconstruct the extracted signal features to behavior-irrelevant features and further build a behavior-irrelevant on-touch user authentication scheme leveraging knowledge distillation.


       俞嘉地,上海交通大学副教授,博士生导师,IEEE Senior Member。主要研究方向是移动感知与移动安全。在国内外知名期刊和会议上发表学术论文与专著近80篇,例如ACM MobiCom、ACM MobiSys、ACM MobiHoc、ACM UbiComp、IEEE InfoCom、 ToN、TMC、TIFS、软件学报等。主持多项国家科研项目,例如国家自然基金面上项目及国家自然基金重点国际合作研究项目子课题,并参与多项国家重点研发项目。长期担任多个国际知名学术会议的程序委员会(TPC)委员,包括IEEE InfoCom,ACM WiSec、IEEE GlobeCom、IEEE ICPADS等。并担任国际期刊Smart Health Journal 编委。获得ACM MobiCom 2019最佳海报奖(Best Poster Award),以及IEEE ICPADS 2019最佳学生论文奖(Best Student Paper Award)。作为主要完成人获得两次上海市科技进步二等奖(2016、2018),及一次上海自然科学二等奖(2019)。研究成果获得多家国内外知名媒体报道,例如IEEE Spectrum、IEEE Xplore Innovation Spotlight、汽车商业评论、搜狐科技等。


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